5 Quotes & Sayings By Sarah Mccarry

Sarah McCarry is a best-selling author, award-winning journalist, and the bestselling author of the books The Best Kind of People, which spent more than three years on the New York Times Best Seller List, and The Lost Sister. Her short story, "Catch," was a finalist for a National Magazine Award in fiction in 2015. She lives in New York City with her husband and two sons.

It will take you long, lonely years, but one day you will grow tired. Tired of boys, tired of contempt, and then where will you be? All these girls around you with their stories and their lives, the solace of one another, and you will be as far away from them as an anthropologist among a foreign people, curious but unable to make contact. Have faith: you will learn. Sarah McCarry
I think it is best to know what you are and make peace with it. Sarah McCarry
You think that the world we live in is ordinary. We make noise and static to fill the empty spaces where ghosts live. We let other people grow our food, bleach our clothes. We seal ourselves in, clean the dirt from our skins, eat of animals whose blood does not stain our hands. We long ago left the ways of our ancestors, oracles and blood sacrifice, traffic with the spirit world, listening for the voices out of stones and trees. But maybe sometimes you have felt the uncanny, alone at night in a dark wood, or waiting by the edge of the ocean for the tide to come in. We have paved over the ancient world, but that does not mean we have erased it. . Sarah McCarry
The hard way is my favorite way to learn. Sarah McCarry