3 Quotes & Sayings By Salman Aditya

Salman Aditya was born in Karachi, Pakistan. He is the Founder of Excell Academy. Salman believes that it is important to be passionate about your work and that to have a good quality of life you have to be passionate about what you do and how you do it. He is a strong believer in the concept of "pay it forward," and has coined the term "pay it forward" to describe the act of giving back to other people what we have received from others.

Enjoy every ounce of your life, get high and be...
Enjoy every ounce of your life, get high and be sincere to anybody that comes around you. Salman Aditya
Where is miracle? None they can’t see. Where is hope? I only see light on the sea. Salman Aditya