4 Quotes & Sayings By Rt Llizo

RT Llizo is a writer who lives in San Diego, California. She has a degree in Psychology and a Journalism degree from the University of California. When she's not writing or reading she enjoys going to the beach, watching movies and shopping with her friends.

Reality is a complex phenomenon, filled with dimensions, not the least of which are two that Christians affirm and understand: the physical and the spiritual. We are invited by Cervantes to enter into Don Quixote's imaginary world and reflect on these players. We are to ignore no points of view: neither the idealism of Don Quixote nor the realism/literalism of Sancho Panza. The point that comes across is this: we must not have a reductionist attitude toward reality. . RT Llizo
Poetry in the soul ennobles the insignificant. Something in us does yearn for the ideal. RT Llizo
While we must not fall into the gnosticizing trap of seeing the world as only ideal, without any reference to the physical and tangible universe we inhabit, neither should we commit to crass literalism devoid of imagination and poetry. RT Llizo