3 Quotes & Sayings By Roxanne Henke

Roxanne Henke was born in Texas in 1934. She attended Texas A&M University and graduated with a degree in fine arts. She married her college sweetheart and moved to Arizona, where they raised their three sons. After her husband's death, she followed her passion for writing and began publishing books, many of which were self-published Read more

Her first book, The Loving Earth: A Woman's Journey to Find Herself Through Nature (1991), was an instant New York Times bestseller and was picked up by the mainstream publishing house Simon & Schuster. Henke's books have been translated into more than twenty languages and sold over four million copies worldwide. Henke's latest book is The Way Home: An Autobiography of Faith and Freedom , which was written as a way of dealing with the loss of her daughter and daughter-in-law.

Feelings follow actions. Roxanne Henke
Supermom wasn't a bad job description. The pay was lousy if you were talking about real money. But the payoff was priceless in so many other ways. Roxanne Henke