4 Quotes & Sayings By Rowan Coleman

Rowan Coleman is an author, international speaker, and martial arts expert. He has held the rank of black belt in Muay Thai for more than fourteen years. He is the founder of the Global Power Response (GPR), a revolutionary combat system that will change how you look at martial arts.

Looking at my reflection, in the window opposite, hollow and translucent, I see a woman disappearing. It would help if I looked like that in real life — if the more the disease advanced, the more ‘see-through’ I became until, eventually, I would be just a wisp of a ghost. How much more convenient it would be, how much easier for everyone, including me, if my body just melted away along with my mind. Then we’d all know where we were, literally and metaphysically. . Rowan Coleman
You can't worry about the rest of the world, never mind the rest of the universe. All you can do is look to your left and your right and try to be kind to whoever is there. Rowan Coleman
Don't kiss me", he said, looking into Natalie's eyes. There was a second's silence. "Let me kiss you. I'm old-fashioned that way. Rowan Coleman