8 Quotes & Sayings By Robin Hoyle

Robin Hoyle is a bestselling author of books on romance, mystery, thrillers, and contemporary fiction. Her work has been presented at the Beverly Hills International Book Fair, The Book Expo America Trade Show, The Romance Writers of America National Conference, and The Romance Writers of Australia Convention. She was the winner of the prestigious RWA Carol Award for Best Short Story of 2002 for "Murder on the Seine" in the anthology "The Perfect Murder". Her short story "Culture Shock" won first place in the 2007 Woven Needle Short Fiction Contest Read more

She lives with her husband and daughter in West Virginia.

The most important skill for a new recruit from university will be the ability to learn. Robin Hoyle
If you don’t use your new knowledge and skills within a relatively short space of time, then it may have been better never to have had the tantalising prospect of change for the better placed in front of you. Robin Hoyle
There is a distressing tendency of the L&D profession to latch on to half read and barely understood concepts. Robin Hoyle
The cost of a range of appropriate courses and training activities is much less than the cost of incompetence. Robin Hoyle
Management is like sex - everyone thinks they’re good at it despite limited evidence. Robin Hoyle
There’s a fine line between child-like — learning as a child does, the natural way we learn most stuff — and being child-ish. Robin Hoyle
Walking the walk is one thing, but it is so much more powerful if you can talk it as well. Robin Hoyle