8 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Smith

Robert Smith is the award-winning author of 14 novels, including three New York Times bestsellers, all of which have been optioned for film. His newest book, One Man's Justice, published by HarperCollins in January 2012, is a psychological thriller that will keep you up at night.

People think it's funny that I enjoy dreaming so much. I just use it as a form of entertainment. It's very private. I don't see my dreams as separate. I mean, half the time I'm wandering around dreaming anyway. Robert Smith
I had no desire to be famous I just wanted to make the greatest music ever made. I didn't want anyone to know who I was. Robert Smith
I don't find the technology threatening. A lot of people my age, my generation, find it difficult to immerse themselves. But I would never preclude the idea of using any technology if I thought it suited the end result. Robert Smith
I really enjoy what I do, and who I'm with and where I am. Having said that, I'm not really a person of habit, because what I do in my job is travel around the world and play concerts to people, and occasionally do very weird things. Robert Smith
I think, at heart, unless you discover faith in something else, something other, it's very hard to shake the thing that you're adrift alone. Robert Smith
I've always spent more time with a smile on my face than not, but the thing is, I don't write about it. Robert Smith
I don't think of death in a romantic way anymore. Robert Smith