4 Quotes & Sayings By Robert M Edsel

Robert Edsel was a former editor of Life magazine and a former curator of the Whitney Museum of American Art. He is also a founder of the nonprofit educational organization, the Foundation for Educational Excellence, a small board member of the National Geographic Society, and a member of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. He is a prolific author, published more than twenty books dealing with human emotion and behavior. In his last book, In the Company of Giants: The Making of "Life" magazine, he tells the full story behind how Life magazine got started in 1936 and why it became an icon in American culture.

Destiny is not one push, she thought as she waited to cross a quiet street on that cold Paris evening years later, but a thousand small moments that through insight and hard work you line up in the right direction, like the magnet does the metal shavings. Robert M. Edsel
The thought came back to him, as it often did: To save the culture of your allies is a small thing. To cherish the culture of your enemy, to risk your life and the life of other men to save it, to give it all back to them as soon as the battle was won … it was unheard of, but that was exactly what Walker Hancock and the other Monuments Men intended to do. Robert M. Edsel
Here, Mortimer Wheeler thought, is power. And a reminder of our mortality. Robert M. Edsel