3 Quotes & Sayings By Robert H Goddard

Robert H. Goddard (August 6, 1882–February 17, 1945), an American engineer and inventor, was the first human to make a liquid-propelled rocket successfully launch into space. He is best known for his work in rocketry, but he also invented the gas-filled motion picture camera, the gyroscope, and the infra-red photometer. Goddard was an influential figure in rocketry in the early 20th century, when he supervised the design and construction of several significant rockets Read more

After building a reputation as one of the leading rocket scientists in America, Goddard turned his attention to other scientific fields including physics and astronomy. He died in 1945 after being poisoned by his wife in an attempt to frame him for murder.

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the...
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. Robert H. Goddard
Just remember - when you think all is lost, the future remains. Robert H. Goddard