5 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Grudin

Robert Grudin is the author of over 150 books including "Science, Cooking, and Love", "The Art of Worldly Wisdom", "The Soul of Money", "Inspired Leadership", and "A Short Course in the Sciences". He has taught at universities throughout the world, including Yale, Stanford, UCLA, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Cornell, MIT, Tufts, New York University, University of Southern California, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia), University of Victoria (Canada), National Institute of Health (UK), University of Ottawa (Canada), Pennsylvania State University, and the Tagliabue Center for Law and Public Affairs at Villanova University.

Because we believe that one moment is more or less like the next, we lose touch with the essential urgency of the present, the fact that each passing moment is the one moment for the practice of freedom. Robert Grudin
..as we proceed to higher and higher levels of expertise, and as the stakes get higher and higher, the agonies of excellence reappear in new and frightening ways. A tiny minority gets through to the top, to memorable excellence or profound understanding. The rest of us stop at stages along the way, perhaps for a temporary rest, perhaps for a period of reassessment. But once we stop, we are unlikely to start up again. Security is suddenly far sweeter than enterprise. The sufferings of the ascent, so long endured by insuppressible aspiration, suddenly seem pointless. Robert Grudin
..Religious observances, once so full of suffering and awe, have become accommodating and benign. Teachers go out of their way to avoid embarrassing, insulting, overworking, or otherwise vexing their students. Each year public language is further purged of impurities that might injure sensitive groups. Prime-time television series seem dedicated to the comforting message that things are really okay. Indeed, modern society's war on pain has been vastly more successful than its war on pain's causes. Robert Grudin
Like some homeopathic cure, our very sense of imprisonment can be a step toward liberation. We need not rebel against our temporally determined roles. Merely to recognize them is to limit their power over us. The liberation implied by such awareness is threefold. To understand one’s own temporal determinism is to establish, above and beyond what one says and does, an analytic posture toward the present as history; it is to achieve, amid the earnest vanities of contemporary society, an easing humility; it is to mark off, as territory precious and imperiled, the moments and pursuits that are left to our choice. Robert Grudin