2 Quotes & Sayings By Robert D Crassweller

Robert Crassweller was born in the Midwest of America. He learned to read at age three, and soon became fascinated with the works of the great American authors. One of those authors was Ernest Hemingway. From that point on, Robert had one goal in mind; to become both an author and a Hemingway look-alike Read more

He attended college for a number of years, but his goal was never quite satisfied. He eventually achieved his goal when he took up writing full-time and published his first book in 2002, "My Life As Ernest Hemingway." It's been called "a literary masterpiece" and "a serious piece of fiction." He is also the author of "Never Be Afraid: A Survivor's Guide To Personal Safety," and an upcoming novel called "The Last Man on Earth: A Novel of Survival."