13 Quotes & Sayings By Robert Charles Wilson

Robert Charles Wilson is an American science fiction author. He was born in 1964 in Washington, D.C. He attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, earning his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1987. He went on to earn his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Iowa Writers Workshop for Science Fiction and Fantasy in 1991 Read more

His first novel, Spin, was published by Tor Books in 1995, and has since been translated into ten languages. His work has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Asimov's Science Fiction, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and numerous others. He currently lives in Seattle with his wife.

I won't put my ignorance on an altar and call...
I won't put my ignorance on an altar and call it God. It feels like idolatry, like the worst kind of idolatry. Robert Charles Wilson
Part of waging war is knowing when you’re outgunned.
Part of waging war is knowing when you’re outgunned. Robert Charles Wilson
The view was in an unearthly way beautiful, but it...
The view was in an unearthly way beautiful, but it was also unendurable. It implied too much Robert Charles Wilson
Certainly it's a rare glimpse into the lives of the Secular Ancients. They don't seem as bad as the Dominion histories make them out to be. Though clearly they were imperfect."" I don't deny that they were imperfect, " Julian said in a distant voice. "I'm not uncritical of the Secular Ancients, Adam. They had all sorts of vices, and they committed one sin for which I can never bring myself to entirely forgive them."" What sin is that?"" They evolved into us, " he said. Robert Charles Wilson
Violence is the great attractor of human history, Dr. Iverson. A force almost as irresistible as gravity. Robert Charles Wilson
Sandra had studied psychiatry in order to understand the nature of despair, but all she had really learned was the pharmacology of it. The human mind was easier to medicate than to comprehend. Robert Charles Wilson
Ars moriendi ars vivendi est: the art of dying is the art of living. Robert Charles Wilson
Are you just a car salesman or are you a poet too?” “I've never been accused of poetry before. Robert Charles Wilson
By definition, you can’t experience your own death. Death is the end of consciousness. And consciousness persists. In the language of physics, consciousness is conserved. I am the one who wakes up in the morning. Always. Every morning. I don’t die. I just become increasingly unlikely. Robert Charles Wilson
The universe, it seemed, was full to brimming with lonesome places. Robert Charles Wilson
We're as ephemeral as raindrops. We all fall, and we all land somewhere. Robert Charles Wilson
The conversation was mesmerizing, not for its content but for the cadences of the talk, the rhythm we fell into when we were alone, now as before. Every conversation between friends or lovers creates its own easy or awkward rhythms, hidden talk that runs like a subterranean river under even the most banal exchange. Robert Charles Wilson