4 Quotes & Sayings By Rob Mcclure

Rob McClure is an award-winning author and journalist. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and USA Today, as well as on NPR’s All Things Considered. His first book, Can’t Hurt Me: How I Left Nine Lives Behind to Become a One-Man Army – A True Story of Life, Death and Transcendence in Gangland – debuted at #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List. Rob was a co-founder of Chicago's controversial "Project Mayhem." His memoir, How I Met Your Mother: The Mother's Day Edition is due out in August 2018 from Simon & Schuster/Algonquin Books.

My wife makes fun of me by calling me a grandpa because I have very little patience for inconsiderate children. So if we're walking in the mall, and some kid goes by really fast on a skateboard, I become the grumpiest eighty-five-year-old man in the world and start screaming at them. Rob McClure
Puppet camp truly redefined my preconceptions of puppetry... I'll never forget learning that before a puppet can speak... he has to inhale. It's those details that make the characters truly come to life. Rob McClure
I was a huge Muppet fan growing up, but that was the extent of my puppet knowledge. I really loved the art form and the whole Henson universe. Rob McClure