3 Quotes & Sayings By Rj Groves

R. J. Groves is a Christian author, speaker, spiritual director and teacher. He is also a former pastor and elder in the Presbyterian Church in America Read more

His books include A Prescription for Biblical Freedom, The Gift of Grace, To Walk in Newness of Life, The Price of Grace, A Vision of the Praying Church, The Prayer of Prayer, The Presence of Christ in the Daybreak, The Peace That Passes All Understanding, God's Leading Lady, Praying For Your Husband, Unite As One To Serve Christ Jesus. He is the author of numerous articles on prayer and theological issues as well as an active blogger at www.rjgroves.com

There was nothing she would ever change about him , except for who he thought she was. R.J. Groves
Now, go get inspired! R.J. Groves