6 Quotes & Sayings By Richie Tankersley Cusick

Richie Tankersley Cusick is the author of the New York Times bestselling novel "The Scarlatti Inheritance", which was hailed by Kirkus Reviews as "an intriguing romantic suspense". His first novel, "The Amityville Legacy" (2008), was described by Booklist as "a fun read" and by Publishers Weekly as "a compelling page-turner." Cusick's second novel, "The Amityville Curse", will be released by St. Martin's Press in October 2011. He lives with his wife and children in Danbury, Connecticut.

You've got the wrong girl."" On the contrary.." the voice murmured, "I've got exactly the girl I want." Her body turned to ice. Her mind fought for calm. There were people only yards away, yet she was alone.. "You're bleeding." Lips closed over hers. A kiss so passionate that time faded and stopped.. so passionate, it sucked her breath away.. Searing heat swept through her- pain and pleasure throbbing through her veins. With a helpless moan, she leaned into him and realized with a shock the kiss had ended. Richie Tankersley Cusick
I hear you're quite the writer. Quite the teacher's pet."" I.. I don't know what you mean."" No? Then maybe you're in for a surprise. And maybe it won't be a nice one." Kate heard her voice lashing out, braver than she felt." I don't know what you're talking about. But nothing that pertains to me is any of your business.' The match hissed again. She saw his black, black eyes flickering." You're right. How inconsiderate of me." Shaken, Kate willed her feet to move her forward." You should be more careful, " Pearce said. "Anyone could find your key. Anyone could get into your cabin." Kate whirled to face him. "I have a roommate. I'm not alone."" A roommate?" And he sounded like he was smiling.. a dark strange smile as if she'd said something particularly funny. "If someone wanted to get you, " Pearce said slowly, and another match went out, "a roommate wouldn't stop them. They'd just get you. Wouldn't they? . Richie Tankersley Cusick
I hear you're quite the writer. Quite the teacher's pet."" I.. I don't know what you mean."" No? The maybe you're in for a surprise. A maybe it won't be a nice one." Kate heard her voice lashing out, braver than she felt." I don't know what you're talking about. But nothing that pertains to me is any of your business.' The match hissed again. She saw his black, black eyes flickering." You're right. How inconsiderate of me." Shaken, Kate willed her feet to move her forward." You should be more careful, " Pearce said. "Anyone could find your key. Anyone could get into your cabin." Kate whirled to face him. "I have a roommate. I'm not alone."" A roommate?" And he sounded like he was smiling.. a dark strange smile as if she'd said something particularly funny. "If someone wanted to get you, " Pearce said slowly, and another match went out, "a roommate wouldn't stop them. They'd just get you. Wouldn't they? . Richie Tankersley Cusick
I'll show you secrets if you stay...you'll never know if you run away... Richie Tankersley Cusick
Death..." The voice dropped even more, black-gloved hands disappearing into the black folds of material. "Don't you feel it? We're all dead here...all...very...dead. Richie Tankersley Cusick