7 Quotes & Sayings By Reuben Berger

Reuben Berger is a successful and award-winning entrepreneur and the author of two books: The Business of Selling and The Four-Hour Workweek. He is the founder and CEO of The Talent Revolution, which helps people create exceptional businesses and find their hidden passion. Reuben is also a sought-after keynote speaker, marketing expert, and podcast host.

If you don't have love, you don't have much at...
If you don't have love, you don't have much at all. Reuben Berger
You're much better off with a dogthan a dogma.
You're much better off with a dogthan a dogma. Reuben Berger
If you don't REALLY miss someone, it's because you never...
If you don't REALLY miss someone, it's because you never REALLY connected very deeply with them. Reuben Berger
Without Love, you can't know yourself.
Without Love, you can't know yourself. Reuben Berger
This moment is all there is and LOVE is like...
This moment is all there is and LOVE is like the glue that keeps you in it. Reuben Berger
Most likely, your issue, is that NO ONE has REALLY been there for YOU in YOUR life. Reuben Berger