3 Quotes & Sayings By Rd Shanks

R.D. Shanks started writing at the age of 12, before moving on to a full-time career as a journalist. He has written for virtually every major newspaper and magazine in the United States including Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, Parade, the Chicago Tribune, the Hollywood Reporter and many more Read more

He is a national bestselling author of more than 165 books, including the best-selling "Men of Steel" series of novels about a group of people who have been physically altered by an accident in the Amazon jungle. He is also a contributing columnist for Readers' Favorite and has won several awards for his work as an author and blogger.

These minor, natural flaws did not explain why hers was but the deceptive beauty of the poisoned apple. It was not merely that she was shallow, a creature of simple malice: within her tiny skull a storm raged, hectic, vicious and vengeful. The depths of her character were murky and she herself, had she made the attempt, would struggle to rationalise her behaviour. In morals she was well-versed, for they had been imparted to her through fables as a young child, yet she could find no trace of villainy in her own actions. In her skewed world-view she was set apart. R.D. Shanks
Since its sudden birth the city had expanded, swallowing up acre upon acre of the surrounding grasslands and drawing thousands into its domain. Hardly built on the most advantageous ground, miles from the open waters, decades from the mines at the mountain summits, it yet remained the only settlement of note on the isle. This sprawling mass of a city, once a compact kingdom, was now the keystone of the Castilian Empire. R.D. Shanks