18 Quotes & Sayings By Rawi Hage

Rawi Hage is a Palestinian writer and journalist with a PhD in Political Science from Birzeit University. He has been a columnist for the Voice of Palestine and executive director of the Palestine Human Rights Campaign. His most recent book is "Between Dignity and Despair: The Palestinian People Under Occupation."

Fiction is overrated, Fly. We’ve discussed this. In the time it takes those novelist fuckers to contemplate a few poetic passages, a thousand kids die from malnutrition. Immediacy, man, that’s what counts. Rawi Hage
What reader or dreamer doesn’t imagine the romantic life of a writer, who lingers between the desk and the fridge in the morning and in the evening attends cocktail parties thrown by nouveaux riches and the society ladies who hardly ever have the time to read? Rawi Hage
Violence and resistance are the only answer. Empire has to feel pain or it will never stop devouring you. It is only when a gun is put in a person's face that anything changes Rawi Hage
Poor Mary. They married her to Jesus, and Jesus is an asexual circumcised revolutionary. What future is there to be had in that scenario? Rawi Hage
I beg your pardon, sir, said the Frenchman. I am not a coloniser. Well, let’s talk Algeria then. Let’s talk about your culture and your celebrated writers. Rawi Hage
What the fuck is legal in this universe? Stars eat each other, wolves eat the pigs, and Grandma fucks over Little Red Riding Hood. Rawi Hage
Never underestimate a clown with a book. Rawi Hage
Violence and resistance are the only answer. Empire has to feel pain or it will never stop devouring you. It is only when a gun is put in a person’s face that anything changes. All empires are hungry cannibals... Rawi Hage
In cities it is useless to look at the stars or to describe them, worship them, or seek direction from them. When lost, one should follow the tracks of the camels. Rawi Hage
Nothing to be proud of, nothing to regret. Rawi Hage
There are two ways to taste things in life: the sweet way and the bitter way. Rawi Hage
I don't judge those who can't dream, those who need to pierce their arms to create different worlds under their skin, because I am fortunate in the tools of my escapes Rawi Hage
The moon should be colonised, I thought. Mankind should seek a happier beginning, and humans should be free to stroll hand in hand regardless of their weight and orientation. Rawi Hage
So long, I replied, may we all have one good flight before we rest among flowers and the orbits of hungry worms. Rawi Hage
This lesser world is all about reproduction, as you might well know. Those who cease to duplicate simply die. Rawi Hage
Communists and Muslims are not the enemies to fear in this land, Fly. It is the food consumption that will eventually blow up in everyone’s faces. Rawi Hage
All libraries must submit to a certain order, I answered. Indeed, agreed the professor, or all will be lost. The fall of nations and empires begins with the fall of libraries. Rawi Hage