3 Quotes & Sayings By Ralph Leighton

Ralph Leighton is a retired US Marine Corps officer, retired US Naval Academy professor of Aerospace Engineering, and author. He served as a Marine Corps officer from the 1950s through the 1980s and as a founding member of the staff of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff after his retirement from the Navy. He now serves as a military consultant and analyst for several major media outlets, as well as writing on military, intelligence, and political topics for numerous publications Read more

Since 2000 he has been a contributing columnist for "The American Spectator".

Once I get on a puzzle, I can't get off. If my mother's friend had said, "Never mind, it's too much work, " I'd have blown my top, because I want to beat this damn thing, as long as I've gone this far. I can't just leave it after I've found out so much about it. I have to keep going to find out ultimately what is the matter with it in the end. Ralph Leighton
I also noticed that as you go to sleep the ideas continue, but they become less and less logically interconnected. You don't notice that they're not logically connected until you ask yourself, "What made me think of that?" and you try to work your way back, and often you can't remember what the hell did make you think of that! Ralph Leighton