4 Quotes & Sayings By Pinkie Numa

Pinkie Numa is a New York Times Bestselling author who has published over twenty non-fiction books. Numa creates exciting, educational children's books that are fun to read. Her books are based on her own experiences growing up in the fashion world.

A sober mind, an unemotional heart and a positive attitude are key for success. Pinkie Numa
When you are dealing with difficulties and you feel like you don't have the strength to stand anymore, do not allow yourself to see that as a sign of weakness, it is just a sign that you are human. Allow someone who cares to be strong for you. It is easier to be strong for someone else than it is it to be strong for yourself. Pinkie Numa
Even the ones who love you most will let you down. They are the ones who will disappoint you more because your expectations of them are higher. When you feel like they have let you down, you need to realize that it is not them who have let you down, but it is only your expectations that were not met. Pinkie Numa