4 Quotes & Sayings By Phyllis Chesler

Phyllis Chesler is the author of seven books on women’s issues, including Women and Madness, The New Anti-Semitism, Woman's Invisibility in Media, Women's Studies Around the World, The New Anti-Semitism in America, The Death of Feminism, Women & Islam, and Letters to a Young Feminist. She has also authored numerous articles on women’s issues in major newspapers and magazines. She is a pioneer in the field of women’s studies and has been honored with over fifty honorary degrees from colleges and universities throughout the United States.

The idea that women's strong attachments to each other are what make them so vulnerable is horrifying. I count my close friendships with a few girls that I know as one of the best things I have going for me right now. My love for them leaves me open to hurt, but .. all love does, or at least that's the cliche. Perhaps girls and women do come to love each other too quickly, or once they are trapped into appearing as though they love one another, they don't want to back out of it. That is probably true. But a fear of confrontation in relationships is the downside. The ability to love easily is a positive. Phyllis Chesler
The chowdry, or burqa -- the Saudi, North African, and Central Asian version of the head, face, and body shroud -- is a sensory deprivation isolation chamber. It is claustrophobic, may lead to anxiety and depression, and reinforces a woman's already low self-esteem. It may also lead to vitamin D deficiency diseases such as osteoporosis and heart disease. Sensory deprivation officially constitutes torture and is practiced as such in the world's prisons. . Phyllis Chesler
Encountering gender apartheid and waged slavery shook me to my roots more than half a century ago in Afghanistan. Oh, the women of Afghanistan, the women of the Muslim world. I was no feminist -- but now, thinking back, I see how much I learned there, how clearly their condition taught me to see gender discrimination anywhere and, above all, taught me to see how cruel oppressed women could be to each other. They taught me about women everywhere. . Phyllis Chesler