3 Quotes & Sayings By Peter Leithart

Peter Leithart was born in 1972 in Virginia. He graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in philosophy, and then spent two years studying at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. He taught at the American seminary in Rome, the University of Chicago, and Union College for four years before becoming professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. His published works include The Grace Awakening, How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth, The Lost Art of Reading the Bible, and The Song of Songs, as well as articles on biblical interpretation, contemporary culture, liturgy, and popular music.

A Christian who is willing to take up arms against another Christian is a Christian who has traded in his membership in the post- Babel communion of saints for membership in a nation governed by refurbished stoicheic values. They have traded in their loyalty to the temple of the Spirit for loyalty to the flesh. Christians who make war against other Christians are Galatians, bewitched by the lure of patriotism, which is simply the lure of flesh. They are no longer in the ranks of the Spirit. . Peter Leithart
Baptism is one of those more effective rites that come in with the new covenant. The fact that baptism takes the place of the multiple, complicated cleansing rites of stoicheic order is itself a sign that salvation has come to the world. And the fact that baptism does the miraculous work of binding diverse flesh into one body means that baptism is one of the rites that effects the social salvation of humanity. Peter Leithart