3 Quotes & Sayings By Peter H Diamandis

Peter H. Diamandis is an award-winning futurist, entrepreneur, author, and medical doctor. He is the Chairman and CEO of XPrize, Co-Founder of Singularity University, and Chairman of the X Prize Foundation. His book, Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think was published by Crown Business Read more

He speaks at colleges around the world, has been featured in over 50 major news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine and National Geographic, and has appeared on The Today Show, CBS News, CNN and BBC Newsnight.

[L]ean start-ups are the small furry mammals competing with the...
[L]ean start-ups are the small furry mammals competing with the large dinosaurs–meaning they're one asteroid strike away from world dominance. Exponential technology is that asteroid. Peter H. Diamandis
For linear-thinking companies, the six Ds of exponentials are the...
For linear-thinking companies, the six Ds of exponentials are the six horsemen of the apocalypse–no question about it. Peter H. Diamandis