3 Quotes & Sayings By Paul Carlson

Paul Carlson is a writer and publishing professional. He has worked in the fields of public relations and marketing for more than thirty years and has written and published several books on business and marketing, including The Complete Guide to Undeveloped Land Concepts. He lives in Houston, Texas with his wife, children, grandson, dog, cat, three horses, two goats, two dogs, four chickens, three cats, two pigs, two hamsters, two gerbils, two guinea pigs, one rabbit, one goldfish and one pet ferret.

I want to support these people. The west has always been fairly colorblind, too."" Oh?" Mek prompted me for clarification." Our least prejudiced region." I shook the bag of cat chow. "Heck, I shouldn't have been afraid of those ladies being harsh on robots. They didn't worry about me dissing their lifestyle." I ended up explaining some more. Paul Carlson
They say older folks need less sleep, so I must not be old yet. Paul Carlson