3 Quotes & Sayings By Paul C Vitz

Paul C. Vitz is the author of over sixty books for children, including the award-winning "Ralph Bean" series. He is a frequent contributor to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and other national publications. For more than twenty years he was also an editorial writer for the Daily News in Lubbock, Texas Read more

Vitz has written on topics ranging from education to crime to education technology. He holds an A.B. in English from Stanford University and an M.A.

in English from the University of Texas at Austin.

Freud introduced the unconscious, which in effect dethroned man as the uncontested master of his own rational faculties. Instead , our lives and our decisions, our loves and our hates, are more often the result of forces working elsewhere than in our conscious mind, and we are the dupes of those forces, rather than their master. (..) Indeed, thinking, as Descartes conceived it, accounts for considerably less than half the story of our being in the world. Paul C. Vitz
The single greatest cultural contribution of postmodernity is that it eliminates the presumption of intellectual neutrality that modernity automatically associated with skeptical rationalism. (...) It shows, not that truth is socially constructed, but that the uniquely human act of bearing witness to the truth is always a moral as well as an intellectual or empirical or noetic act. Paul C. Vitz