5 Quotes & Sayings By Pattie Boyd

Pattie Boyd is the author of eight books, including "The House on the Hill", "The House on the Rock", and "The Good Life". Her husband, George Harrison, was a Beatle. She was the inspiration for the song "My Sweet Lord".

On first impressions, John seemed more cynical and brash than the others, Ringo the most endearing, Paul was cute, and George, with velvet brown eyes and dark chestnut hair, was the best-looking man I'd ever seen. At the break for lunch I found myself sitting next to him, whether by accident or design I have never been sure. We were both shy and spoke hardly a word to each other, but being close to him was electrifying. Pattie Boyd
I love life. There's so much to learn and see all the time, and nothing nicer for me than to wake up, and the sky is blue. Pattie Boyd
I think men are mainly unfaithful because as they get older, they feel the urge to prove to themselves that they are still attractive. They need proof from outside the marriage. It's really sad. It's all about them. It's not about their wives at all. Pattie Boyd
Men find it more difficult than women to be alone. They function better with someone in their lives. Being married, they are rooted, so they feel safe to go and do what they want to do. Pattie Boyd