5 Quotes & Sayings By Patrick Rhone

Patrick Rhone is the author of the novels The Catalyst, The Pin, The Fall, and the forthcoming new novel, The Far Shore. He is also the author of several short stories and several nonfiction books, including "The Art of Field-Tested Philosophy," "Educating the Unintelligent," "How to Become a Living Legend," and "The Art of Field-Tested Philosophy: How to Get Results From Your Life And Your Work."

Happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, love... All these things work the same way. The more you search for them, the less likely you are to find them. Patrick Rhone
I think the more we fill our lives with more and more things we have to do, the less and less time we are spending on who we have to be. Patrick Rhone
Decide, first, to simply be. Patrick Rhone
Doing, in a life of balance, should be driven from who you have decided to be. Patrick Rhone