4 Quotes & Sayings By Patricia Reilly Giff

Patricia Reilly Giff is the author of the popular "Hollywood Regency" series, winner of the Romance Writers of America's RITA award for best romance novel in 1995. She is also the author of "The Hollywood Bedside Companion," which was awarded its own RITA in 1998. Her novels have been translated into over one dozen languages, and she has appeared on numerous radio talk shows, including "Good Morning America." She lives in Southern California with her family.

Drawing is what you see of the world, truly see... And sometimes what you see is so deep in your head you're not even sure of what you're seeing. But when it's down there on paper, and you look at it, really look, you'll see the way things are...that's the world, isn't it? You have to keep looking to find the truth. Patricia Reilly Giff
I told her that saying goodbye didn't matter, not a bit. What mattered were all the days you were together before that, all the things you remembered. Patricia Reilly Giff
If someone looks into your eyes, I read in a book one time, he'll see right into your soul. I didn't want anyone to see into my soul. Patricia Reilly Giff