7 Quotes & Sayings By Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson is the founder and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network. He is also president of Regent University, a Christian liberal arts university in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He is the author of nine books, including The New World Order and The Secret Kingdom, co-author of America Again: The 1992 Presidential Campaign and the Battle for America's Faith and The New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies to Rule the World.

Well, you know, Thomas Jefferson, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence said he wouldn't have any atheists in his cabinet because atheists wouldn't swear an oath to God. That was Jefferson and we have never had any Muslims in the cabinet. Pat Robertson
Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. Pat Robertson
I thought that communism, the tyranny of communism, was an abomination and I beseeched God to bring that terrible evil down and he did. It was a great triumph, it took awhile, but it happened. Pat Robertson
Adoptive parents are taking on enormous responsibility, both emotionally and financially. Quite frankly, they need as much disclosure as possible about the child's background and health to assure the best fit and be prepared. Pat Robertson
The wisdom of God's Word is quite clear on believers being unequally yoked. And marrying someone who is not a Christian - who is not a daily disciple of Christ - is being unequally yoked, regardless of what their beliefs might be. Pat Robertson
But if there's an erosion at home, you know, Thomas Jefferson warned about a tyranny of an oligarchy and if we surrender our democracy to the tyranny of an oligarchy, we've made a terrible mistake. Pat Robertson