3 Quotes & Sayings By Pascale Petit

Pascale Petit is a French-Canadian writer and journalist, born in Paris. She has written for the past ten years on culture, travel, history, food and wine, for many different publications including Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Le Figaro Magazine. Her first novel published in America was A Summer Place (Harper 2006). She is currently writing her second novel for publishers in the US.

Little deer, I've stuffed all the world's diseases inside you....
Little deer, I've stuffed all the world's diseases inside you. / Your veins are thorns // and the good cells are lost in the deep dark woods / of your organs. Pascale Petit
I am what the water gave me, / a smoke-ring in a jar, / the braided rope / my ladder-to-the-light, / my shivering bird heart / caught Pascale Petit