23 Quotes & Sayings By Os Guinness

Os Guinness is a prolific, award-winning author. He is the author of over two dozen books for young people, including Ragged Trousered Philanthropists and You Are The Hero. His books have been widely acclaimed by teachers and librarians, and have sold over twenty million copies worldwide. He lives in South Africa. Did you know? One of the first Amazon Kindle devices has a device called a "Kindle" that allows you to read Amazon ebooks on your computer or other electronic device with a Web browser Read more

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Interestingly, God's remedy for Elijah's depression was not a refresher course in theology but food and sleep.. Before God spoke to him at all, Elijah was fed twice and given a good chance to sleep. Only then, and very gently, did God confront him with his error. This is always God's way. Having made us as human beings, He respects our humanness and treats us with integrity. That is, He treats us true to the truth of who we are. It is human beings and not God who have made spirituality impractical. . Os Guinness
The question the doubter does not ask is whether faith was really useless or simply not used. What would you think of a boy who gave up learning to ride a bicycle, complaining that he hurt himself because his bicycle stopped moving so he had no choice but to fall off? If he wanted to sit comfortably while remaining stationary, he should not have chosen a bicycle but a chair. Similarly faith must be put to use, or it will become useless. Os Guinness
What has happened to create this doubt is that a problem (such as a deep conflict or a bad experience) has been allowed to usurp God's place and become the controlling principle of life. Instead of viewing the problem from the vantage point of faith, the doubter views faith from the vantage point of the problem. Instead of faith sizing up the problem, the situation ends with the problem scaling down faith. The world of faith is upside down, and in the topsy-turvy reality of doubt, a problem has become god and God has become a problem. . Os Guinness
To come to faith on the basis of experience alone is unwise, though not so foolish as to reject faith altogether because of lack of experience ... the quality of a Christian's experience depends on the quality of his faith, just as the quality of his faith depends in turn on the quality of his understanding of God's truth. Os Guinness
There is no problem with the wider culture that you cannot see in the spades in the Christian Church. The rot is in us, and not simple out there. And Christians are making a great mistake by turning everything into culture wars. It's a much deeper crisis. Os Guinness
Thus, for followers of Christ, calling neutralizes the fundamental position of choice in modern life. “I have chosen you, ” Jesus said, “you have not chosen me.” We are not our own; we have been bought with a price. We have no rights, only responsibilities. Following Christ is not our initiative, merely our response, in obedience. Nothing works better to debunk the pretensions of choice than a conviction of calling. Once we have been called, we literally “have no choice. Os Guinness
We are not wise enough, pure enough, or strong enough to aim and sustain such a single motive over a lifetime. That way lies fanaticism or failure. But if the single motive is the master motivation of God's calling, the answer is yes. In any and all situations, both today and tomorrow's tomorrow, God's call to us is the unchanging and ultimate whence, what, why, and whither of our lives. Calling is a 'yes' to God that carries a 'no' to the chaos of modern demands. Calling is the key to tracing the story line of our lives and unriddling the meaning of our existence in a chaotic world. Os Guinness
Calling resists privatization by insisting on the totality of faith. Calling resists politicization by demanding a tension with every human allegiance and association. Calling resists polarization by requiring an attitude toward, and action in, society that is inevitably transforming because it is constantly engaged. Grand Christian movements will rise and fall. Grand campaigns will be mounted and grand coalitions assembled. But all together such coordinated efforts will never match the influence of untold numbers of followers of Christ living out their callings faithfully across the vastness and complexity of modern society. Os Guinness
We betray our modern arrogance and forget the place of mystery in God's dealing with us. Os Guinness
If ours is an examined faith, we should be unafraid to doubt. If doubt is eventually justified, we were believing what clearly was not worth believing. But if doubt is answered, our faith has grown stronger. It knows God more certainly and it can enjoy God more deeply. Os Guinness
The author explores the result of endless choice. It is not only overload, but a profound loss of unity, solidity, and coherence in life. Os Guinness
Culturally, one of the best arguments we can make is, wait and see. Os Guinness
A question is far more subversive, biblically, than a statement. Os Guinness
In practice it undermines the transformation of faith. When Christians concentrate their time and energy on their own separate spheres and their own institutions-whether all-absorbing megachurches, Christian yellow-page businesses, or womb-to-tomb Christian cultural ghettoes-they lose the outward thrusting, transforming power that is at the heart of the gospel. Instead of being 'salt' and 'light' -images of a permeating and penetrating action- Christians and Christian institutions become soft and vulnerable to corruption from within. Os Guinness
In other words, we are never freer than when we become most ourselves, most human, most just, most excellent, and the like. Os Guinness
The story of Christian reformation, revival, and renaissance underscores that the darkest hour is often just before the dawn, so we should always be people of hope and prayer, not gloom and defeatism. God the Holy Spirit can turn the situation around in five minutes. Os Guinness
Augustine says that you don't understand a nation by the throw weight of its military or the strength of its research universities or the size of its population, but by looking at what it loves in common. To assess a nation, you look at the health and strength of its ideals. And there's no question that the common love in America is freedom. Os Guinness
Negative freedom is freedom from - freedom from oppression, whether it's a colonial power or addiction to alcohol oppressing you. You need to be freed from negative freedom. Positive freedom is freedom for, freedom to be. And that's what's routinely ignored today. Os Guinness
There are lots of people depending on the government who are good, honest citizens who have worked all their lives. Os Guinness
Like a precious family heirloom, freedom is not just ours to enjoy, but to treasure, protect, and pass on to future generations. Os Guinness
I have lived under totalitarian Communism, so I prize freedom as much as anyone and have long fought for freedom of conscience and speech. Os Guinness
The rewards of freedom are always sweet, but its demands are stern, for at its heart is the paradox that the greatest enemy of freedom is freedom. Os Guinness