6 Quotes & Sayings By Olin Miller

Olin Miller is the author of over sixty-five books, including the New York Times bestselling biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, A Little House Book. He has written four biographies of Revolutionary War heroes and is finishing a book about Abraham Lincoln. He has also written five novels, including A Land For All Gods, Gods of the Great Wars, and The Demon's Game.

You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do. Olin Miller
What a pity human beings can't exchange problems. Everyone knows exactly how to solve the other fellow's. Olin Miller
To be absolutely certain about something one must know everything or nothing about it. Olin Miller
One of the best things people could do for their descendants would be to sharply limit the number of them. Olin Miller
It's far easier to forgive an enemy after you've got even with him. Olin Miller