4 Quotes & Sayings By Norman Finkelstein

Norman Finkelstein is a novelist, essayist, historian, and social critic. He is the author of four books of fiction, including his most recent novel, The Holocaust Industry. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including Harper's Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, The Nation, The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker , and many others. He was the John Hope Franklin Distinguished Professor of History at Hunter College in New York City from 2003-2006 Read more

He is now an Associate Professor of History at DePaul University.

The Holocaust only emerged in American life after Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day war against its Arab neighbours. Norman Finkelstein
International law says people fighting for self-determination can use force in order to achieve their independence. Norman Finkelstein
When you are a people's movement, you have one thing. Your only asset is people. And you have to deal with real people. Not the people of your imagination. Not the people you wish people would be. But people as they exist actually out there in the real world. Norman Finkelstein