8 Quotes & Sayings By Nikolaj Costerwaldau

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, known as Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, is a Danish actor. He is best known for his roles as Ser Jaime Lannister in the HBO series Game of Thrones and as Lothar Frey in the 2011 Star Wars prequel The Hunger Games.

The most famous actress who did the 'dumb blond' routine was Marilyn Monroe, but she was a genius actress. Nikolaj CosterWaldau
I do remember a teacher telling me when I was about ten that I was really good at acting. I was so proud, even though I am sure he said that to all of us in the class. Nikolaj CosterWaldau
There's a Danish architecture firm called BIG. I love architecture, and I always check out their work; they're very good at reimagining the way we live. They put the human experience as the focus, with access to air and outdoor space. Nikolaj CosterWaldau
The only thing I find difficult to watch - horror movies - not that I don't like them. Like 'The Shining, ' it's one of my favorite movies, but it's terrifying. I feel like I've watched a marathon afterwards. Nikolaj CosterWaldau
Personally, I think fidelity is important. I don't see any point in being together if you're not being honest, having fun together, and respecting one another. Why would you stay in a relationship otherwise? Nikolaj CosterWaldau
I'm in a monogamous relationship and have been for many, many years. I think it's a choice. I don't think you can generalize, though, and what works for me may not work for other people, but I don't think everybody cheats. We're all different. Nikolaj CosterWaldau