5 Quotes & Sayings By Nihar Sharma

Nihar Sharma is an international entrepreneur and author based in New York City. He is the founder of Team Mantra, a team of highly successful consultants to the Fortune 500 company, whose mission is to help professionals maximize their business potential to realize their personal goals. Sharma has also written two best-selling books, The Mantra Method for Building Influence and The Mantra Method for Making Money.

I’m taking the leap, I’m learning to fly. Nihar Sharma
All bad things, like good things, must end. Nihar Sharma
So many times we have told ourselves that we are not good enough. So many times the world has told us too. It is in those times that we must find ourselves and do the best we can. You and I today, let’s prove the world wrong. Nihar Sharma
Tragedies break us, yet sometimes they make us. Nihar Sharma