5 Quotes & Sayings By Nicola Lecca

Nicola Lecca is the author of the bestselling romance novels 'The Undercover Doctor' and 'The Undercover Doctor Strikes Again'. She is also the author of the novel 'All Women are Like That' which was shortlisted for the Children's Book Council's 'Book of the Year' award in 2011. She lives in Italy with her husband and two children, and enjoys travelling to other countries whenever she can.

Could my proud loneliness be merely an illusion? Nicola Lecca
What is aesthetically beautiful, should not be able to be understood fully: by its mysterious character it should leave behind a vaguely pleasant feeling. Nicola Lecca
From the deepest silence between us arose uncertain, utterly vague and, as it were, whispered varieties on the theme ‘smile’. Nicola Lecca
And she was really good at that: even since she was a little girl, she could eliminate the hours, knew how to kill the minutes. Without them suffering from it, she put them to sleep. Nicola Lecca