4 Quotes & Sayings By Neil Hilborn

Neil Hilborn is a published author of short stories and nonfiction, as well as a professional writer and freelance journalist with a passion for all things "funny." He is the author of the memoir, "Mentally Weird: An Author's Quest to Be Funny," and his stories have been published in a variety of anthologies. He has written a series of humorous essays called the Horror Writer's Companion, and contributes to his local newspaper, The Southtown Star.

The first time I saw her, Everything in my head...
The first time I saw her, Everything in my head went quiet. Neil Hilborn
Marvel at how she, the patient gardener, the bringer of sleep, she who draws the bath and lights the candles, she who made you someone who could makehimself into someone, she made you wantto live more than anything else, and nowshe makes you want to leave the worldbecause you have seen it. Neil Hilborn
Imagine if fire extinguishers were fullof snow. Imagine the fun we could have. Neil Hilborn