8 Quotes & Sayings By Ned Rorem

Ned Rorem is a composer, singer, and writer based in New York City. He studied composition and theory with Elliott Carter at the Juilliard School, and received a B.A. from Yale University. Rorem's music has been heard around the world in concert venues, opera houses, and major concert halls, as well as on radio and television broadcasts, recordings, and motion pictures Read more

His compositions have been recorded by leading ensembles such as The Cleveland Orchestra, The Philadelphia Orchestra, The London Symphony Orchestra, The London Philharmonic Orchestra, The Boston Symphony Orchestra, The San Francisco Symphony Chorus, The Bremen Symphony Orchestra, The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra, André Previn and the National Philharmonic of Ireland.

Artists by definition innocent don't steal. But they do borrow without giving back. Ned Rorem
Classic means standard as opposed to Romantic: form before meaning as opposed to meaning before form. It grows from inside out while Romantic grows from outside in. Ned Rorem
Sooner or later you've heard all your best friends have to say. Then comes the tolerance of real love. Ned Rorem
Inspiration could be called inhaling the memory of an act never experienced. Ned Rorem
Perfection is no more a requisite to art than to heroes. Ned Rorem
The art of translation lies less in knowing the other language than in knowing your own. Ned Rorem
Humor is the ability to see three sides to one coin. Ned Rorem