5 Quotes & Sayings By Nancy Thayer

Nancy Thayer is an award-winning author, editor, and book reviewer. She is the author of 6 books including the bestselling "Don't Let Go of Me", "The Good Girl", "The Things We Keep", "A Very Merry Christmas" and "MyHeart". She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, Christianity Today, and Southern Living magazines.

Their friendship is like a tapestry in a drawer. Today is the iron passing over the cloth, smoothing out the wrinkles, bring out the pattern that makes it unique and beautiful. Nancy Thayer
Somewhere I read that human beings are the only creatures to spend the present driving themselves crazy about the future. Nancy Thayer
Sophie felt as if she were encased in a glass globe called summer. Nancy Thayer
It's never too late-in fiction or in life-to revise. Nancy Thayer