4 Quotes & Sayings By Nadine Labaki

Nadine Labaki is an Egyptian-Belgian film director and screenwriter. She was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1970. Her films include Caramel (2001), directed by Elia Suleiman; Khobza (2005); directed by Nabil Ayouch; and The Time That Remains (2012). She has directed several short films Read more

She has written essays, articles, and interviews published in The New York Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, the Wall Street Journal, El Pais, L'Espresso, Adelphi Papers, Third Text, and elsewhere.

I was watching TV and saw people with masks, weapons, and grenades. I thought, Is that really possible? Could we be here yet again? And go into civil war one more time? Nadine Labaki
Beirut turned into a war zone in a matter of hours. We were stuck at home, the roads were blocked. Nadine Labaki
I thought if my son was now eighteen years old and he was tempted to join the fight and take the burden of protecting his family - because it's always tempting especially for young men - what would I do as a mother to stop him? Nadine Labaki