3 Quotes & Sayings By Molly Guptill Manning

Molly Guptill Manning is the author of the bestselling book "The Power of Positive Drinking.” She is also a writer, public speaker, and blogger. Molly has been featured in "My Life" at ABC News, "I Am" at Women.com, Fox News Radio, This Week in D.C., Fit Pregnancy Magazine, Women'sHealth Magazine, The Washington Post, The Blaze, The Huffington Post, and many other publications.

Former civilians did not anticipate how disoriented they would feel as they lost access to their hobbies and interests while being drilled into a pattern of uniformity and sameness. It felt foreign to them to be told when to wake up, how to dress, what to eat (and when to eat it), the beat at which to march, and when to go to sleep. Privacy and individuality were the luxuries of civilians — not soldiers. Molly Guptill Manning
Is it possible that the national psychology emphasizing bigness has caused us to think only in those terms — to the detriment of the small things that have to be done if we are to win the war? Molly Guptill Manning