5 Quotes & Sayings By Molly Crabapple

Molly Crabapple lives in New York City. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Harper's Bazaar, GQ, VICE, The Believer, Dazed & Confused, The Times Literary Supplement, The Guardian, Vice Magazine, High Times Magazine and many others. She is the recipient of the 2014 PEN/Laura Pels Award for her body of body work. She is also a 2013 MacArthur Fellow.

Radicals often suspect beauty of corruption. Uptight fuckers though they sometimes are, they're right in one thing: art alone cannot change the world. Pens can't take on swords, let alone Predator drones. But as disappointment and violence spread, the antidote is a generosity that the best art can still inspire. Art is hope against cynicism, creation against entropy. To make art is an act of both love and defiance. Though I'm a cynic, I believe these things are all we have. . Molly Crabapple
Sketching in general - anywhere, not just in Gitmo, but in life, in the world - is a profoundly disruptive act. Because you're creating something when you're kind of expected to consume or sit passively. I've always sketched things as a way to get into them, whether it was a fancy nightclub or, you know, to have kids think I was cool, whatever. Molly Crabapple
I think that school just isn't for everyone. A lot of people don't learn well when they're - have to sit in a place for eight hours. A lot of people learn best lying in their own bed, teaching themselves from books. And I was a bad student. I was a brat. If I was a teacher, I would not have liked myself. Molly Crabapple
Objectifying is kind of a funny thing. Art is objectification, all art, because you're taking someone and making them into an object. But people can also talk back more to you when you're sketching them. They can look at you and say, 'Oh man, you got me wrong.' Molly Crabapple