6 Quotes & Sayings By Mitch Rowland

Mitch Rowland is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. He is the author of the book "The Book of Virtues" which has sold more than 3 million copies. Mitch's first book, The Power of Focus, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2005. His second book, The Power of Focus 2, was published by SkyLight in 2008 Read more

Mitch has also released several audio programs including "The Power of Focus", "The Power of Focus 2", and "Focusability". Mitch lives in San Diego, CA with his wife and daughter.

The future is shaped by young people foolish enough to believe they can topple a mountain. And yet, when we stand among the rubble, we wonder why no one tried sooner. Mitch Rowland
The only reason nice guys finish last is because they think they’ll finish last. You don’t win the race by walking around the starting line saying ‘I’m not going to win this race’. Mitch Rowland
We are all entitled to make mistakes, but what separates a hero from a villain is how we learn from those mistakes. A villain will see his past as a weakness to be erased. A hero will see his past as experience, to be acknowledged and incorporated into the present. Mitch Rowland
Sometimes even the smallest of efforts can change someone’s fate entirely. Mitch Rowland
The measure of a man lies not in his lengthy accomplishments, but in his decisions when he is faced with the certain, indisputable knowledge that he is going to die. Mitch Rowland