6 Quotes & Sayings By Mitch Daniels

Mitch Daniels has served as the 34th Governor of Indiana since January 2011. He previously served as the 51st Governor of Indiana from 2003 to 2007. A graduate of Hanover College, Daniels earned his law degree from the University of Chicago Law School. He was a partner in the law firm of Hunton & Williams before winning election as governor in 2002 Read more

Daniels also served as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the George W. Bush administration.

His first term as governor ended in early 2011.

When business leaders ask me what they can do for Indiana, I always reply: 'Make money. Go make money. That's the first act of corporate citizenship. If you do that, you'll have to hire someone else, and you'll have enough profit to help one of those non-profits we're so proud of.' Mitch Daniels
The failure of national economic policy is costing us more than jobs; it has begun to weaken that uniquely American spirit of risk-taking, large ambition, and optimism about the future. We must rally them now to bold departures that rebuild our national morale as well as our material prosperity. Mitch Daniels
If our nation goes over a financial Niagara, we won't have much strength and, eventually, we won't have peace. We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors. Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security. That is not, as our military friends say, a 'robust strategy.' Mitch Daniels
And before our current legislature adjourns, we intend to become the first state of full and true choice by saying to every low and middle-income Hoosier family, if you think a non-government school is the right one for your child, you're as entitled to that option as any wealthy family; here's a voucher, go sign up. Mitch Daniels
The public is increasingly disgusted with a steady diet of defamation, and prepared to reward those who refrain from it. Mitch Daniels