8 Quotes & Sayings By Mike A Lancaster

Mike A. Lancaster was born in West Virginia and raised in North Carolina, where he served as a missionary with the Church of God. He received his BA in English from East Carolina University, where he graduated summa cum laude. He also received his M.Ed Read more

from Western Carolina University, where he completed his dissertation on the history of Christian education. Mike serves as Executive Director of the Foundation for Christian Leadership at the age of 39. Prior to becoming Executive Director, Mike served as the Administrative Coordinator for nearly 20 years at The Center for Youth Power, a national nonprofit organization based in North Carolina which provides leadership training to young people ages 10–18 to equip them to become better leaders and citizens.

Without the friendship we'd never have discovered the reason we...
Without the friendship we'd never have discovered the reason we were friends. Mike A. Lancaster
She was only saying what I already knew in my heart, but hearing the words spoken made it seem all the more true, all the more terrifying. Words gave concepts power. Once they were released, there was no choice but to understand them, no matter how painful they might be. Mike A. Lancaster
Not if you like lies so much you want to live one Mike A. Lancaster
Dreams so often become nightmares. Family can so easily become foes. And people are always more stupid than you give them credit for. Mike A. Lancaster
Adults are just making things up as they go along. And when they’re scared, adults have no more answers than us kids Mike A. Lancaster
I think that's what we all want, in the end. To know that we left footprints when we passed by, however briefly. We want to be remembered. So remember us. Please. Remember us. Mike A. Lancaster
Warning:This data storage unit, or "book, " has been designed to reprogram the human brain, allowing it to replicate the lost art that was once called reading. It is a simple adjustment and there will be no negative or harmful effects from this process. What you are doing: "Reading" ExplainedEach sheet is indelibly printed with information and the sheets are visually scanned from left to right, and from top to bottom. This scanned information is passed through the visual cortex directly into the brain, where it can then be accessed just like any other data. . Mike A. Lancaster