3 Quotes & Sayings By Michael Rubbinaccio

Michael Rubbinaccio, Esq. is the Founder of The Ultimate Book Of Motivational Speeches and the author of The Ultimate Book Of Motivational Speeches. He was born in San Francisco, California and moved to New York City at age 15. As a teenager he wanted to become a pro baseball player but discovered that he was an excellent public speaker Read more

He has been speaking professionally ever since and has spoken at various local and national events. Michael began his career as a motivational speaker at age 17 and within 3 years had become America’s leading speaker on personal empowerment and motivation. His motivational speeches have been heard by millions throughout the world and his best-selling book The Ultimate Book Of Motivational Speeches is now in its 11th printing.

Michael also writes motivational columns for magazines such as Men's Health, Fitness, Running Times, Women’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Fitness, Shape Magazine, Muscle & Fitness and Saveur Magazine.

Green recorded these initial thoughts about government: "Either the people will pay direct taxes, or they will pay none if they know it; and if they don't know when they pay taxes, it is quite time for the prudent, economical administration of government that they did. The Treasury should just supply the moderate wants of the administration of government; an overflowing treasury brings with it corruption and fraud. It has been the curse of nations, and, profiting by the experience of the past, it becomes the present to avoid the instruments of their overflow. Michael Rubbinaccio
He fought hard against corruption in all forms, especially with the Canal Ring (every scandal during this time seems to have the word "ring" attached to it, much like every scandal since Watergate has "gate" attached to it.) Michael Rubbinaccio