3 Quotes & Sayings By Meredith Jaeger

Meredith Jaeger was born in Kansas and taught herself to read and write at an early age. She received a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Kansas and a master's degree in library science from the University of North Carolina. A lover of writing, she eventually relocated to the mountain town of Vail, Colorado, where she began her career as a writer. She has written for several magazines including "Mystery Scene" and "Romantic Times," and currently serves on the editorial staff for "Romantic Times".

Margaret looked at the ring on her finger. "Gran gave me this before we boarded the ship. It's the most special thing in the world to me. I'll never take it off, Hanna. No matter how hungry I am. Meredith Jaeger
Hanna reached for Margaret's hand, knowing nothing she could say would bring comfort. Margaret would never see her grandmother again. Nor would Hanna see her Oma, who had wept when Hanna boarded the ship for America, waving goodbye for the last time. Only the elderly and frail were left behind. And letters from home were not the same as a warm laugh or a cup of tea shared on a cold day. Meredith Jaeger