5 Quotes & Sayings By Menachem Mendel

Menachem Mendel grew up in the town of Dytiatyn, Ukraine. He studied at the University of Kiev and was drafted into the Soviet Army during World War II. In 1945, as a prisoner of war, he was sent to Oflag IV-C at Colditz. After liberation by the US Army in 1945, he was discharged and came to New York City with his wife and son.

God is only where you let Him in
God is only where you let Him in Menachem Mendel
There is nothing so whole as a broken heart. Menachem Mendel
If you are you because you are you, and I am I because I am I, then you are you and I am I.If you are you because I am I, and I am I because you are you, then you and I are not. Menachem Mendel
God dwells where we let God in. Menachem Mendel