3 Quotes & Sayings By Melissa Grabau

Melissa Grabau was born in the US and raised in Mexico. She's written for The New York Times, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Essence, Self, Mademoiselle and others. Melissa has worked as a TV writer on Entourage, Entourage (TV series), In Treatment, Hung and In Treatment (TV series), as well as an EP for In Treatment (TV series). Melissa also produced a popular public television series with her husband Tim Van Patten called "The Reel Truth", now in its fifth season on WNET/13 Read more

Self-hatred is the inevitable byproduct of the culture of narcissism in which we all have been reared. We learn from day one how special and wonderful we are. Or conversely, and perhaps more pervasively, we do not learn this at all and instead are subjected to glorified views of others through the media whom we idealize and envy. At the root of it all are inappropriate expectations about life, about ourselves, and an overvaluation of self that breeds profound isolation. . Melissa Grabau
In our society, we often tend to ignore what our bodies are telling us and instead are encouraged to medicate the symptoms with sleeping pills, stool softeners, a few beers, and a burrito. The problem with this approach is that whatever your body is trying to tell you gets lost beneath your attempts to cover it up. Melissa Grabau