5 Quotes & Sayings By Megan Wilson

Megan Wilson is a writer, artist, and former elementary school teacher. She loves tattoos, rock music, and animals. Her stories are full of humor, heartache, and hope. She lives in the Colorado mountains with her husband and two sons.

Some people are angels sent to you by God at...
Some people are angels sent to you by God at your weakest moments. Megan Wilson
The people you are closest to tend to be able...
The people you are closest to tend to be able to hurt you the most - that is why heartbreak is so hard to deal with, why death is so painful, and why fights can destroy things that matter. Megan Wilson
Guys will NEVER understand what it is like to be a girl and all the pain we have to deal with therefore they should shut up about things they don't understand. Likewise girls will NEVER know what it is like to be a guy and all the pressure they deal with, so shut up girls as well. Megan Wilson
In the long run - everyone is different, but we are all human. Everyone deserves love no matter what they look like, everyone needs faith in their life, hope in their heart, and love to give for otherwise life will be terrible. Everyone makes mistakes, NO ONE is perfect (yes that means YOU reading this and it means ME as well). I believe we all need to be more accepting, less judgmental, more loving, less bitter, and more willing to look past the flaws at the person inside. . Megan Wilson